Woodford County Journal from Eureka, Illinois (2024)

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Woodford County Journali

Eureka, Illinois

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Mr and Mrs Louis erguson are IkMIMam 25s Whij 31 tb Cn Are YOU properly insured? Lb Head Lb MO SHERI of Woodford County nr I BREAD SILENT METER MISER MOPE ON OOD fCE OPKEEP TOO' OUR 4 WAY SAVIN 6 DEMONSTRATION 'ycr KROGER'S Car! 15c 10c 5c Minonk were visitors in urteymnitg Consult us for sure protec tion We shall be glad tos analyze your insurance re quirements without charge or obligation 2 15c 2 23c Aj 3 He 1 9c Li McGUIRE Complete Insurance Service EUREKA ILLINOIS Phone 47 GUARANTEES BRANDS I Because stock fire insurance removes ALL the risk Because stock fire insurance companies maintain not only legal reserves but also capi tai and surplus accumulated to meet abnormal losses as well as normal expected losses PILLSBURY lour $1 731 LB SAC 87e CALIORNIA 899 888 SIZE firaiges 23 488 DOZEN 19a DOGGIE DINNER MINCED HAM BREAKAST BACON Jambs Tomb sang severalnumbere I gram accompanied toy pin Margaret Tomb your lawn With PLANT MARVELfor best resultaEcbnonh leal and easy to apply Call JcfW kuuk LARGE SIZE PRUNES EVAPORATED PEACHES MICHIGAN NAVI I BEANS BBER RABBIT MOLASSES Bourgoln Monument Co actory ELMWOOD ILL BRANCHES 920 Main St PEORIA 133 8 Seminary SU GALE8BUBG WRITE OR REE BOOKLET MORE than 80 of insur able property throughout ne country is protected by Capital Stock Company ire Insurance their second and second' eon born Monday morning' March 21 at the home of Mr and Mrs Kim ler He Jias' been named reddie Baird 1 fMra Ed Watkins underwent an appendectomy at the St rancis hos pital in Teoria Tuesday morning Donald son of Mnand Mrs van Duncan is quitericif'with an attack of yellow A Rinker and Mary Helen Schrock are new measles Victims re ported this weekf Richard' son of Mr and Mrs Jesse ehr is suffering from an ab scess on the side of his neck Mr and Mrs Ivan Eastman have moved from the Klopfenstein build ing to the house on the William ehr farm north of the city He will con tinue to work here Mr and Mrs' Madlinger spent Sunday's! the home of Mr and Mrs Bailey in Lafayette Ind George Milam who is employed in the Janssen grocery is off duty this week because of a badly sprain i ed ankle suffered in! a friendly scuffle evening Stumpf entertained at bridge Tuesday afternoon Allen" apd A DzThomp son of Hollywood who is a zuest herg were Chicago visitors Sunday The former gave an faddress at the Austin Ave Christian church Oak Park Sunday 'morning" his topic be ing ZThe Place of the Business Man in a World of Social Kathryn Williams was home from Bushnell for the week end Robert Ridgely of Peoria has been visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Darnell and Mr and Mrs Allen Askewjjf Bartonville were guests there Tuesday Primary Tuesday April 12 1938 A candidate with experience 4 years as State now serving his fourth year as deputy sheriff under Sheriff Mars A taxpayer and a lifelong resident of Woodford county Your support is solicited and will be appreciated' JOSEPH SCHNEIDER I Eureka CONCENTRATED SUPER SUDS 2 Pkl 35c 23c 2lc Lb 25c PACKERS LABEL TOMATOES GREEN BEANS BORN or PEAS 4NOZ cans CUP COEE lb can 29c Bisquick 2 lb pkg 27c Pink Salmon 2 No 1 tall 27c Crystal White Soap 6 giant bars 25c Moon Rose Toilet Soap" 4 for 19c Super Suds 1g pkg 19c QUALITY MEATS Braunschweiger lb 15c Swift's Premium Bacon lb 20c Picnic Hams 22c rankfurters 19c The freshness of our fruits and vegetables are protected by our Mod em Cooling System NICKEL ROTH 1 college entertained the high School seniors' Superintendent and Mrs Brown and Miss Angie Smith at WoodA Monday evening with' Jfa Langston presiding Dinner was served with sa ssocial hour following Mr and Mrs Ira Bilbrey and Mr and Mrs Lawrence Punke of El Paso were Sunday' guests of Mr and Mrs Cecil Bilbrey rMr and Mrs Dean Blankinship spent the week 4end with Robert in 7' jix Mrs' Mae Dickinson and son Burrus of Champaign were week end visitors in Eureka May and Lydia' Hed den of Taylorville are guests at the home of their sister Mm Har rod Rev Boswell who has been visiting at Rock alls snent Sun day night with Mr and Mrs Brock BLUE RIBBON BRANDS Spinach 2 No 2 tins 29c Catsup 14 oz bottle 15c Tomato Soup 4 No 1 tins 25c "Seedless Raisins 15 oz pkg 10c Grapefruit Juice No 2 tin 10c Wheat Cereal 28 oz'pkg 15c Doan her birthday Saturday by hating a 1 Baize Better vegetables by using i jroujleiL auhm NjffvC Jvrv Mr and Mre ay Gillan and son Genk of armington were visitors in iEureki ta ffedne0qrX Chicago were guest of Mr and Mra George Haecker and relai oria ver the weekend Mr and Mre Edwin Moorhead OA 1 MBlAaBaK rVaM AfVU wvkv ijuctjmj vj ucrwiu" sr MnOllie Bredle andsisterjMrs gum AwWAf IrUV" weekend They also were visitors inPeoria John DeWilde of Roanoke wm a visitor in Eureka Saturday 5 Louria Bryant was a guest of Xtad Lun Carrithen in Oak Park voter the weekend and iitof visited and Mra Jake Hexamer vi filtSd friends in Secor Sunday Harley Ogan spoke over WrfBU Bloomington broadcattii rwj va i z4 WOOnOllD COUNTY JOUKNAL ElikliA ILUNOIS! THURSDAY MARCH 24 1938 Mr Ind Mrs? Kenneth Carr mo to Chillicothe last Thursday ing to attend a St I several gue limagan was in Oham me of ber parents Mir and I Pign ana urbana last week where HAnmM SfniMMV BVMinur 'bDs AWIVHikf VyUiKLW cJU Jbiiet and Mr and Mre Robert Mau W4 4 William lanarania i his recent illne8a be attended the annual week at the Unlveraity of Illinois and the annual convention' of the Illinois State lorists Association In con nection with thisconvention was held the annual meeting of the Telegraph Delivery? Association of which Mr lanagan is' a member A Mr and Mre Walter Osinski of New Hampton Naw Hamp Aire' are expected to arrive here tomorrow for a week's visit with Mrs Osinski's par ents Mr and Mre Davidson They are motoring through from the and Mrs Stephen Sandeman who have been spending the winter jin Chicago at the home of their son R' Sandeman returned to Eu reka Sunday evening and have taken an apartment for the present at the home of Miss Emma Price on Darst StreeL Mr and Mrs' Sande man brought them to Eureka th' Yenerich of Mon mouth wm the house guest of Mr and M9s( KGXiDGtn W66kGn(j iM mh rich an A Mnu Carr to Bloomington Saturday to attend the initiation and 'formal dinner of their sorority Sigma'1' Alpha Iota which is a music sorority on tha Illi nois Wesleyan campus 4t price on PLANT MAR VEL during March Call or write Jre and Mrsu Dan Ruppel their daughter and mother of St Louis were Monday guests of Mrs Hattie Mourer 7 s' melt' Mrs Corbin Tuesday afternoon and MreJohn Berry epoke on Quite 'a i number' from Eureka Sundav afternoon in behalf I went to Peoria Thursday evening to of American Legion Auxiliary I attend the Moody Bible Institute Ral hdr enbject being ttCommunity'Ser ly held at the Majestic theater The 'Mm Dan ta Cofflmnnltv I chief sneaker was Mr and Service' Chairman of fids district there' was a lecture and musical pro John Berry1 went to Chi cago for the end and in 'coin NICKEL JOTH Phones 4 and 373 firoi leries Republian Candidate for and in Effingham 7frV' Alita Dyar was home from Victoria Saturday and Sunday John Janssen and family of Mor ton were Sunday visitors at the McCloud Mrs! 'Wilmer Ulrich were Chenoa visitors Sunday evening Carr John Meiner Walter Mette Virgil Whit tington Grover Whittington Shepherd Dean Kyle Will Haecker Louis eiguson Paul Janssen and Kenneth Crawford attended the meet ing of the Odd ellows lodge in Chil licothe Tuesday night Mrs Carr Mrs Mette end Mrs Meiner accom panied them and visited at the home of Mr and Mre Woodruff while the men A attended the lodge meeting The in a Blue sale begins Saturday morning March 26 and closes the following Saturday Watch the circulars for very special bargains on thia Ben ranklin Mr and Mrs Dale Smith and little epn of erguson vis ited from riday until "Sunday eve ning with Mr father and sis ter and Miss Angie Smith A crew of workmen were at work bn the streets of the business section of the city Tuesday clearing away the accumulation of mudgiavel and cinders which has caused a lot of dust' and a ''great amount of complaint as well evening a group" of five I Piet Grands attended the National meeting of the Mississippi Valley Past Grands Association at Pe oria? "A banquet was served at 6:30 and this was followed by the regular meeting at which time three candi dates were taken inThose attend ing from Eureka were Miller EVAPORATED APRICOTS 2 tbL 29c COUNTRT CLLB MILK 4 25c SPOTLIGHT COEE 16c 47c SPRY at IBc Ellc SELECT BLUE ROSE Rice 3 He Ji and Mrs Bert Hasty had as Sunday callers and Mre the parents of "an 814 pound son uuu wxip jnrT tuia fm vvuiiain Parker and two daughters of Peoria and Mr and Mrs John Janssen of Morton' 1 Whittington and Mra Earl Reel were Monday visitoiB at the Joe Vogel home El Paso Mre Grover Whittington and eon Virgil were Saturday 'evening callers at the Hugh Kennedy home in Deer Creek ''7 Janssen' and' family visited with Deer Creek relatives Rev and Mre Bumpus and Mrs Bumpus were Sunday guests atfthe George McDannell home in Lowpoint" and Mrs red Borrowman had as Sunday evening callers Geo Eastman and family of" Peoria' Mre Ray Waughop and son' of were Sunday callers at the 0 Pifer home auberand family of Roanoke were callers in town Sunday afternooi J' 1 Alf Haecker' entertained her pinochle dub Lola West was home ftom Dwight for the week end Miss Kaufman has been spending a few days in Lafayette Indiana' Johnj Keller Jr and family1 am Mr and Mrs Hugh' Sumner were Sunday visitors at the rank Sumner home in Peoria i Mrs Cecile Doan spent the week end at' the home of hbr daughter Mrs Virgil Crider 'of Bartonville Misses Annette Ewing 'Bertha Good and Helen Parks Miss Rachel Kaufmah in Lafayette Ind over the week end Morrow of Peoria calledon his parents Mr and Mrs Mor row Sunday evening i James Riley was home from few days the tweek' Mrs Harry Kiblinger and Mr and Mrs Dawson were Sunday visitors in Deer Creek rx Mrs Alf Haecker and Potts wereweek end visitors at ithe home of Mre Ben Weyeneth in Pe oria 5 i xr Mrs Gf Lehman entertained toe Leisure Hour luncheon dub ri day 9 I Miss Maggie Pierce and Mrs Olive Hall attended A dinner in Roa ireed hrnne ftom tbeir combined bwhiMH and pleasure trip in the South going 'as far'Jv Orleans Mi Melick will enterton the Shamrock at her home Thutsday end Mrs? rank auber and daughters rances and Nets of Roa noke visited herfather7E Pifernd other relatives Sunday JX Donald Woodey son of Mr and Mra Eari Woosley of Rockford iaill with the scarjet fever Tha American Legion Auxiliary will hold their regular meeting end social the home of Mra Vinceht Stumpf with Mrs Earl Heinrich as esdatant hostess Minnie Reynolds and Mre Clarence Schoor visited MrandMrs George Magee near Secor Sunday Mr and Mre loyd Meiner of Bloomington and Robert Charies and Edward Conklin of Normal were guestaof Mr and Mre Mein a rank Stumpf and son Quinn of wmJLl Iff' JohnBach and other relatives ri Percy Lyons apd son Jim my visited her parents Mr and Mra 4 Brown in Washington Sunday Wnfoff Mr and Mre Williahi Paluska VMW4HMUQU VUGIA UIUMIUU UUU dinner and party" riday evening Prizes Were won by Mrs Paul Light r1 foot Mrs Byron Britt Byron Britt and Harold Ridge Mrt and Mii Clarece and Mr? and Mre Stylish 'haircuts and smooth ehkra A A benefit card party sponsor CALIORNIA CARROTS Baneb 5c SNOW WHITE CAULILOWER LORIDA RED RIPE TOMATOES ANCY RED RADISHES 2bhr RESH Made in Sight By Men in White pany with a group of professors of noke Sunday Ihat dty visited an institute in Meron Armittie Wilson and Mrs' Hattie Harris 'were Bloomington callers riday afternoon Ernest Bumpus of Say brook is a guest at the home of Rev and Mrs Bumpus and Mr Bumpus will join her here in a few days? AMrs Lily Taral of Washington was a caller in town Thursday' The Triple lank elub of Minonk met with Sheriff and Mrs Mars evening Ida Moore returned riday froih a with relatives in De catur and Pontiac 1 7 There was a happy social gath ering at the Home of Miss' Marjorie Wilson riday at which time the birthdays of Miss Wilson and Miss Amber Moore were cele brated jointly by their birthday club A 'delicious potluck supper was perv ed after which games furnished the entertainment 7 Mr and Mrs red Pifer and Mr and Mrs Darling were Sunday callers at the Elmer Stewart home in Peoria Hood of Lowpoint was the riday guest qf Carrie Marshall and Mrs Eva King and Sunday callers there were Dr Hinkle of Peoria and Mrs' Linnie Walker of Cazenovia 1 MARVEL is the beet food you can give your lawn and gar den' Call Joe Klaus 1 187' Amongthosefrom' Eureka to At tend the Minstrel Show presented by the Peoria Consistory the past week were Judge and Mre Robeson Mr and Mre Wright Mr and Mrs Harold Ridge Mr and Mrs By ron Britt Mr and Mrs Mein er' Mr' and Mra Ancil Lightfoot Mr and MreWilliam Paluska Mr and Mra Percy Lyons Mr and Mrs Gene Mra Harley Oran Tbirl 4wb tr "resf'pru 'Sfriiriw ir WH 1 1 rZV 'in wnareM1 i 3 i Ai to' J'S 7 tn wwl ilnj I 'T I 'a hi tii I i 11 i I I i 1 i I I I 1 1 I I I) i I I I I I I '1 I ll i I 'I i I 4 1 1 1 4 I 'l I lr i i aS WT 1 JW vi i 1 I li JB JMLTrilliE dmtsCl YGtnmed'' Immfi' I iw RrecV VjwiSrvAA 1 vs vLw 11 I 1 r8! 1 1 mt? 7 i wimvjwv "A gAUcajr JUUoVjr JUlQ 'AIS AclllG DclCIJ v' 1 2 1 V' thf Din throo' mentha in evenin? The district denutv Mm 1 mi fr Li 'vi 1 Ls W'l I UKBOH MI HK Hr III 1 'V VI MB HH KW 'W 1 4 A wilt it Ji (V4i a A a A 4L I A i v'Ljr st mmw 1 iISKylH kA Bin I L' 1 SB I wafcumi J'hW'jir 1 Mrs Richard Pfcyfie en daI 7' MWWlW SlO KLU TrMrand lthg 'week end MtakNehc 1 KT IK 8s hbr BEi'iS Ik': Kg it I A McKee of iEOTelafr 4 I lopurn spent wigm? daughterbf I ey who has JT I Vs 1 nres I Bt iBMa 4 si! IHp Sfk4 i L2 ti yO MH riViKSlA S' 1 GUARANTEED BRANDS MB SB.

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Woodford County Journal from Eureka, Illinois (2024)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Views: 6163

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (53 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.