Roasted Butternut Squash Spoon Bread Recipe on Food52 (2024)

Make Ahead

by: TiggyBee



1 Ratings

  • Serves 6

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Author Notes

I was first introduced to Spoon bread as a child by our next door neighbors who were from Georgia. They became great friends of ours and often times our families would gather together to celebrate and Spoon bread seemed always to be at their table. I've been experimenting with versions of this Southern classic for a couple of years now and since my taste runs more towards savoy than sweet, I think this recipe strikes the perfect balance between the two. This dish would be great as a side on the Thanksgiving table, or anytime you want something warm and comforting. —TiggyBee

What You'll Need

  • 2 1/2 cupsRoasted Butternut Squash puréed
  • 1/2 cupPuréed carrots
  • 3 tablespoonsButter
  • 1 Medium Onion, chopped
  • 2 cupsMilk
  • 3/4 cupCorn meal
  • 3 Eggs, separated
  • 2 teaspoonssalt - to taste
  • PinchCayenne pepper
  • PinchCumin
  • 1 cupShredded extra sharp cheddar cheese
  • A few splashes of veggie broth
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place peeled, halved and seeded squash in a baking dish and drizzle them with olive oil. Roast for approximately 45 minutes. While the squash is baking, steam the carrots until soft enough to purée and set aside.
  2. Purée the squash with a few splashes of veggie broth and set aside. Do the same with the carrots.
  3. Sauté onions in a sauce pan in one tablespoon of butter until softened and translucent.
  4. Add milk to the onions and bring mixture to a gentle boil. Slowly whisk in the corn meal, whisking constantly and remove from heat when finished.
  5. In a large mixing bowl, combine the puréed vegetables, cornmeal mixture, remaining 2 tablespoons of butter, egg yolks, cheese, salt, cayenne and cumin. You'll want to use an electric mixer to make sure everything is thoroughly combined and smooth.
  6. Whip egg whites into peaks and gently fold them into the batter.
  7. Place batter into greased casserole dish and bake at 375 for approximately 45 minutes. The center should be soft, but set. Remove from oven, spoon onto plates and enjoy immediately!


  • American
  • Vegetable
  • Carrot
  • Cumin
  • Milk/Cream
  • Make Ahead
  • Serves a Crowd
  • Fall
  • Gluten-Free
  • Vegetarian
  • Side
Contest Entries
  • Your Best Butternut Squash
  • Your Best Vegetarian Holiday Side

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25 Reviews

Valerie G. January 21, 2020

I was intrigued, and made it according to the directions. I think it came out as it was supposed to, cooked nicely, but the flavors were wrong. It didn't know what it wanted to be. It smelled a bit like mac and cheese and tasted too much of onion and not at all of butternut squash. More like a faint cheese souffle with too much onion. I love onions and eat them every day but they have no business in this recipe.

Georgia B. March 24, 2013

made this minus the carrot. added roasted pepitas, bacon and seasonings such as Thyme, garlic, pakrika and fresh black pepper. used corn masa and corn meal {3 to 1 parts}.

Truly S. March 21, 2012

Just made this minus the cheese, reducing everything by half, except eggs. (I used two eggs). The Butternut Squash Spoonbread turned out just fine.

PlainCheesecake November 7, 2011

This is delicious. I made it yesterday for lunch (I pre-roasted the squash and steamed the carrots in the microwave) and it was a good blend of spice and sweetness. Thanks!

PlainCheesecake November 7, 2011

Made this yesterday morning and had it for lunch. Such an easy recipe (I had roasted the butternut squash earlier and steamed the carrots in the microwave). My puree was a bit on the chunky side, but it was the right amount of spice and sweetness. Thanks!

PlainCheesecake November 7, 2011

Made this yesterday morning and had it for lunch. Such an easy recipe (I had roasted the butternut squash earlier and steamed the carrots in the microwave). My puree was a bit on the chunky side, but it was the right amount of spice and sweetness. Thanks!

AntoniaJames February 10, 2011

This looks so good! My kind of comfort food . . . and on the menu for next week! ;o)

TiggyBee February 11, 2011

Thank you so much.. I'm thrilled that you'll be making this! I hope you and Mr T enjoy it!
: )

BlueKaleRoad November 18, 2010

Sounds delicious and I'll be making this for sure!

iuzzini November 10, 2010

Finally made this last nite! It was delish! I think it might have been even better tonite as leftovers! :) Thanks!

TiggyBee November 12, 2010

I'm so glad you enjoyed it. We thought it was great the next night too!! Thanks so much! : )

JoanG October 27, 2010

I have to try this!

iuzzini October 27, 2010

I am making this over the weekend and I can't wait! It looks soooo tasty--

mrslarkin October 27, 2010

Yum! Sounds like perfect comfort food! Thanks for the recipe TiggyBee!

TiggyBee October 27, 2010

Thank you!!

Midge October 27, 2010

I was concocting a butternut spoon bread in my head, but yours sounds terrific.

TiggyBee October 27, 2010

Thanks so much Midge! I appreciate it and hope you'll get the chance to make it sometime!!

TiggyBee October 26, 2010

Thanks everyone for your lovely comments! It's really delicious and I hope you'll all try it sometime!! : )

healthierkitchen October 26, 2010

This does sound terrific!

monkeymom October 26, 2010

This looks so good TiggyBee!

lapadia October 25, 2010

I have never had spoonbread, but this sounds like a recipe I would like, thanks for sharing it!

gingerroot October 24, 2010

I have been adding spoon bread to my Thanksgiving menu ever since my husband was diagnosed with celiac disease. Your version with butternut squash sounds fantastic. I can't wait to try this!

TheWimpyVegetarian October 24, 2010

Yum!!! I love the sound of this!

AntoniaJames October 24, 2010

This looks delicious. And you're right . . . . a fantastic side dish on the Thanksgiving table. In fact, it would be hearty enough to be a main dish for vegetarian guests. Love it. ;o)

Roasted Butternut Squash Spoon Bread Recipe on Food52 (2024)
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